Logo Design for McMer
- Tình trạng: Closed
- Giải thưởng: $290
- Các bài thi đã nhận: 32
- Người chiến thắng: LuckyDesign
Tóm tắt cuộc thi
McMer is a company that turns technological dreams and ideas into a reality.
Please note that your logo must be you own design and copying anyone else's logo is illegal in most parts of the world.
Các kĩ năng yêu cầu
Phản hồi của người thuê
“Great design! Thanks again :)”
tryanchristos, Australia.
Bảng thông báo công khai
- cách đây 12 năm
thak you all
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@tryanchristos Can u dig it suckaaaaaaa , eat ur own desiner's garbage
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if you have selected your own designer's work than you make it private
I agree with "Harshitatech".- cách đây 12 năm
Xem thêm 4 tin nhắn nữa-
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wow..nice language pras... chillout man :D
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nice prashanth
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Such a lame contest >:-(
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I have to say I have seen this sort of embarrassing behaviour from mediamart & Harshitatech before, where Harshitatech has had a 5 star rating then both Harshitatech & mediamart have then tried to discredit the other designs to give themselves a better chance of winning.
Let me point out some simple facts about mediamart & Harshitatech, both are Mechanical Engineers not designers, both are from Davangere, India and both have submitted very similar design styles. This leads me to believe they are ether the same person using 2 different accounts, or 2 people working together. So rather than simply submit a design and see if it wins this person or these persons blatantly set out to discredit other peoples designs. Does anyone know what freelancers policy is on this sort of foul play.- cách đây 12 năm
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Hello ARC.... check this link before commenting. you con't do anything to anybody. mind your business.
http://www.google.co.in/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=656&q=Memory Connections logo&gbv=2&oq=Memory Connections logo&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=1917l8648l0l9500l23l21l0l2l0l0l406l3029l2-5.4.1l10l0- cách đây 12 năm
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@DesignsLead and Paalmee both accounts will be banned in few days they are copy and paste designers. please move to next design.
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I have no need to argue with you gum brains here any more! Arguing with a fool makes it two of them....
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you are correct at-last you accepted what you are ! thank you for accepting that you are a GUM brain. don't have eyes and ears to check the link provided. BIG GUM BRAIN. !
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check this link my friends.
http://www.google.co.in/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=656&q=Memory Connections logo&gbv=2&oq=Memory Connections logo&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=1917l8648l0l9500l23l21l0l2l0l0l406l3029l2-5.4.1l10l0- cách đây 12 năm
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please Report friends. there is no respect for original designers because of this kind of copied designers.
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if you are not the contestant then what are you trying to achieve by commenting here get the hell out of here man. the designed is copied we traced that. then who are you to tell us ? get you hell thing out from here !
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you are a poor child don't know what is copying and what is real designing. and trying your luck here in freelancer. copy cats will not win here man ! POOR CHILDREN of LOGO design. check the links provided ! then talk .... LOL
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hahahahahah...... tryanchristos great CONTEST HOLDER ! ! ! ! he has his own Employed Designers who will chooooooose the good copied designs. they have talent in CHOOSING not in Designing. LOL LOL check your choosen design here buddyyyy
http://www.degrootdesign.com/images/portfolio/logo-memoryConnections.jpg- cách đây 12 năm
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I don't think that @luckydesign is his employed designer. Freelancer.com checks the IP address of both parties, and either way it can be caught if the designer is a fake.
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Hello @AkashBro i agree with you. but check this link Man !
http://www.google.co.in/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=656&q=Memory Connections logo&gbv=2&oq=Memory Connections logo&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=1917l8648l0l9500l23l21l0l2l0l0l406l3029l2-5.4.1l10l0- cách đây 12 năm
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Shameless Fellows please check the link
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i will tell you why these people trying with their best efforts to make rumors about @LuckyDeisgns
here is the magic answer ,, (( because they have been given 5 starts ,, so they had FAKE HOPE that they could win ,, so when they got rejected ,, the wanted to make everybody else's loose ,,, SHAME ON THEM- cách đây 12 năm
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Magic Answer check the link given by @Mediamart.
http://www.google.co.in/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=656&q=Memory Connections logo&gbv=2&oq=Memory Connections logo&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=1917l8648l0l9500l23l21l0l2l0l0l406l3029l2-5.4.1l10l0- cách đây 12 năm
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Shameless Fellow on the Earth
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@harshitatech you are a big cheater ! Just because you are loosing contest with your pathetic designs doesn't means you target other designers for no reason !! The link you gave is just a directory holder for the website , anyone can see both design match with each pixels ! the design @luckydeisgn gave had some different execution from the original M and the link you posted has the same type of execution. It can be clearly observed that you posted that image on that website after @luckdesigns was selected and because you are jealous that some one else is winning through his hard work.
Shame on you !- cách đây 12 năm
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you are correct @Harshitatech...... these peoples are the same Copy and paste designers. they are not the winning designers. SHAMe shame on them.
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thank you @Mediamart
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Hello CH @tryanchristos this is a copied design so please don't accept it as it is against the law and you may be in trouble, thank you.
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check this link my friends.
http://www.google.co.in/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=656&q=Memory Connections logo&gbv=2&oq=Memory Connections logo&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=1917l8648l0l9500l23l21l0l2l0l0l406l3029l2-5.4.1l10l0- cách đây 12 năm
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hello @Paalmee... another shame less fellow check that link .... all copy cats here in Freelancer. they don't have the knowledge of design. shame less fellows on Earth ! ?
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Shame less fellow @DesignersLead check this link..... will Google upload this logo as you say.... shame less fellow ! check it
http://www.google.co.in/imgres?q=Memory Connections logo&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=656&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=EvjNUUjOzpJY9M:&imgrefurl=http://www.degrootdesign.com/logos.php&docid=FDDJeI7tx4iVLM&imgurl=http://www.degrootdesign.com/images/portfolio/logo-memoryConnections.jpg&w=640&h=336&ei=6IkmT-vDF4jzrQewxLH4Bw&zoom=1- cách đây 12 năm
- cách đây 12 năm
Check it shame less fellow @DesignersLead
http://www.google.co.in/imgres?q=Memory Connections logo&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=656&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=EvjNUUjOzpJY9M:&imgrefurl=http://www.degrootdesign.com/logos.php&docid=FDDJeI7tx4iVLM&imgurl=http://www.degrootdesign.com/images/portfolio/logo-memoryConnections.jpg&w=640&h=336&ei=6IkmT-vDF4jzrQewxLH4Bw&zoom=1- cách đây 12 năm
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Check it out COPY CATS
http://www.degrootdesign.com/logos.php- cách đây 12 năm
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He will give 5 stars and he will reject !!!! without any review ! without review if you organise 10000 contests then also you will not get your desired logo
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Chủ cuộc thi - cách đây 12 năm
you guys can agree all you want. i just want a basic design that i like. then my graphic designer will spruce up for me. either way the money is being forked out so stop being such sorry sods
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where are you man ? ! selected a good design by your OWN DESIGNERS EMPLOYED TO SPRUCE UP... LOL sorry they SPRUCEEEEEEEE UP copied design.... ! don't give salary to them ? LOL LOL HEHEHE
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468 entries ! selected copied design ! ? LOL
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sorry man, #290 - http://www.degrootdesign.com/images/portfolio/logo-memoryConnections.jpg
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So he rejected all works and one last is already in use , or it just copied.... too bad , contest holder you just wasted designers time...Sorry, CH it's very unprofessional
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ouch...not good when they cheat...there should be a screening for these designs online. I have noticed this same design on other design sites. A good designer always creates his/her own work.
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Hey come on what's wrong in this He may not be interested in new idea or he just like copied logo
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If you guys think this is cheat and fraud report it to freelancer.co they will ban both of them
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hahaha... LOL what i said friends ? rated 5 all rejected. CH is new to this freelancer. don't know how to sort the designs and how to respect the top rated designers.
we call sorting for this type please check, these are TOP contest holders . how they sort out ! ? some Examples
http://www.freelancer.com/contest/Guaranteed-Logo-Design-for-TAXI-SMART-4446.html- cách đây 12 năm
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Hi! Just sent #467 . Hope you like... or ask for any change. Thank you
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Wow ! so close!! Gud luk both of you!
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moreover it's hard to make designs when lacking of data such as nature of company and what object suits the logo in order to make the ideal designs. almost 2 hours left!, thanks to all that have gathered here!
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Chủ cuộc thi - cách đây 12 năm
i apologize for this but this is the exact approach i was taking to get intuitive designs of all sorts. i appreciate everyone who submitted their design but either way in the end there can only be 1 winner
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Hello, could you view #449, #450 & #451 please, thank you.
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could you also view #452 please, kind regards.
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#446 and #446 comes with a PM!. Please check!
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