Sales person needed in new york

Đã Đóng Đã đăng vào 1 năm trước Thanh toán khi bàn giao
Đã Đóng Thanh toán khi bàn giao

As a business located in New York, we are in need of a salesperson to help us grow our operations and reach our goals. We are looking for somebody with a beginner level of sales experience who is capable of dedicating 0-15 hours of their week to this job. The primary responsibility of this role is to sell services for our business. You will be expected to identify new prospects, build relationships and generate sales conversions. You should also be a great communicator with a positive attitude and desire to help our business grow. Ultimately, we are looking for someone with the aptitude to both acquire and retain customers, and whose skillset can help move our business forward.

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ID dự án: #36246599

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