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Ajay T.



Online Marketer with Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, SEO, Wordpress And Web Development Ski

$20 USD / giờ
Cờ của
India (10:49 CH)
Đã tham gia vào tháng 8 11, 2006
$20 USD / giờ
I am an Online Marketer and Research Analyst, have more than 6+ years experience of Web Research & Online Marketing as well as business development. I can perform fundamental Internet research, identifying and indexing business intelligence and contact information of client sales targets and can work on any online (Internet) research based fields like business marketing, market research, business related research, knowledge based research, Sales Data Generation etc. I provide following services: o Website Design & Development o Website Maintenance o Search Engine Optimization(SEO) o Social Media Marketing o Web Mining and Listing o Management and organizational web research o Database Building (through web research) o Enhancement of Customer List o Populate database of E-commerce websites / online stores through web research and product research o Online Research and Creation of a Database in Microsoft Office o Online Data Entry or Web-to-Web Entry & Data Mining o Identifying & Indexing Business Intelligence & Knowledge Based Research o Sales Data generation
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