You can rely upon our talent and delivery capabilities in the following areas:
1. Digital Magazine Delivery System
Hi-quality, hi-tech conversion, storage, and delivery of digital content
2. Design and Layout
Concept-based, character-driven illustrations page-laid through interesting design and presentation
3. Translation
Contextual, rationalized translation from a host of national languages to English
4. Subscription Management
Manage centralized subscription services through data cleaning, validation, and updation, as well as need-based market study and data analysis
Our cutting edge
1. Established best practices in publishing domain
2. Dedicated resource management systems
3. Commitment to data security and confidentiality
4. Choice of CMS-owned shared portal or client-owned dedicated portal for content digitization services
5. Expanding readership through English editions of foreign-language magazines, periodicals, or books
6. Design and layout execution by a core team with in-depth industry experience
7. Backup and disaster recovery protection
8. Significant cost savings for you
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