Infotec Global accelerate the delivery, decrease the cost and improve the quality of your content for global markets. One of the biggest challenges facing businesses today is how to successfully take advantage of global business opportunities. New communication technologies open up new markets; an increasingly skilled global workforce offers potential for cost and overhead reduction; removal of trade barriers increases the addressable market.
We offers a complete suite of software and outsourcing solutions that accelerate the success of global business. Through our solutions, our customers get their products, and all their product-related content, to market more quickly, at lower cost and at higher quality. With Infotec Global, your global brand is enhanced through clear and consistent communications that are sensitive to local cultures and regulations. We bring together all of the pieces needed to deliver a fully automated, highly innovative, and highly-profitable business around the rapidly growing Software-as-a-Service market.
We offers a solution for delivering as a service a wide variety of hosted applications, including CRM, databases, e-commerce, web hosting, advanced technology (C#, ASP.Net, JSP, SAP), and security services.
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