java, j2ee developer with 8 years of industry experience with java, ldap, sso
$50 USD / giờ
India (12:53 SA)
Đã tham gia vào tháng 9 22, 2005
$50 USD / giờ
8 + years of experience in IT industry experience in JAVA/JEE and IDM, out of which around 4+ years
as in lead role. More than 8 years of involvement in software development helped me to gain extensive
knowledge on software product engineering and its construction. Posses hands on experience on
various software solutions and involved in all levels of software development life cycle. Started career
as Developer and performed various such as senior developer, module lead and technical lead. Work
experience includes large scale enterprise applications. Various roles played as Technical Lead
➢ Identification of J2EE service and Design patterns.
➢ Initiation and elaboration of application architecture.
➢ Compliant assessment on Object oriented design with UML.
➢ Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) – using Spring framework.
➢ Domain Specific programming using –JAVA and Scala.
➢ Identity and Access Management Solutions using Directory Server and SSO
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