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Babar Z.


$10 USD / giờ
Cờ của
Pakistan (8:52 CH)
Đã tham gia vào tháng 2 4, 2008
$10 USD / giờ
Organization’s Capability: Innovation, creativity, risk management, risk taking, ‘can-do’ attitude and drive to make things happen. Intellectual Business Understanding: The ability to comprehend business framework. High Comprehension on the Requirement of a Domain: The ability to understand the domains of running projects of our enterprise. Client’s Trainings: Arrangement of trainings to train and guide the clients to understand the concept and usage of application. Total Quality Management: It has a complete focus on customer-first orientation. Customer satisfaction is seen as the company's highest priority. Total Quality Management (TQM) is a set of management practices throughout the organization, geared to ensure the organization consistently meets or exceeds customer requirements. TQM places strong focus on process measurement and controls as means of continuous improvement. Continuous Education & Improvement: Organizational quality and performance, focuses on improving customer satisfaction through continuous and incremental improvements to processes, including by removing unnecessary activities and variations. Continuous improvement is basically an ongoing effort to improve products, services or processes. These efforts can seek “incremental” improvement over time or “breakthrough” improvement all at once. Local & International Marketing: Through appropriate marketing, we can advertise, promote and sell our products and projects to the public, clients, customers and distributors. It's the process by which a company decides what it will sell, to whom, when and how, and then does it. We will change our marketing policy with respect to the varying market trends or needs. Continuous Customer Connection: Connecting with customers, understanding their needs and how they use technology, and providing value through information and support to help them realize their potential. Global Approach: Thinking and acting globally, and providing solutions which are not only latest but also most dynamic and relevant to our customers. Excellence: In everything we do. Organization’s Trustworthiness & Accountability: Deepening customer trust through the quality of our products and services, our responsiveness and accountability, and our predictability in everything we do
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Học vấn
University of Central Punjab
1999 - 2001
2 năm
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1999 - 2001
2 năm
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