IT Professional with 28 years of experience. Oracle, DBA, Database design, development
$10 USD / giờ
India (8:28 CH)
Đã tham gia vào tháng 9 27, 2005
$10 USD / giờ
I have 28 years of experience in IT. i am PGDCA, Msc IT, Oracle Certified OCP, SAS Certified Advance Programmer. I have worked more than 28 years in TOP IT and Production companies. I have 20 years experience in Oracle database, Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports. I have developped complete in house ERP for a lead Newpaper ( in 10 top newpaper of India), I have implemented Oracle Life Scinece applications like OC/RDC, AERS, Argus. I have implemented SAS. I am very good in database design and application development specially in defining logic.
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