We are not thinking about us like a company. We are group of specialists wants to improve ourselves in new chalenges. Our experience made from work in big corporate companies can be impressive and we want to share our knowladge with you.
We are group of 10 people working for your success. We know our business. It's our passion. Specialists from slpgroup are most wanted programmers and developers from all over the world. Most of them from Eastern Europe, United Kingdom.
Why you should choose our group to work with your projects? Answer is simple.
Our outsourcing experience and very good price will be good solution for you.
We have strong background and high performence portfolio.
We developed many web applications for companies from all over the world working for United States, Poland, France, German, Sweden and United Kingdom customers.
We specialize in new trend projects connecting e-commerce software and web 2.0 applications.
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