Having 3.3 years of experience in development and implementation of software projects in client/server, Web based product development, Involved in design development and maintenance of projectsWell versed with Object Oriented design and programming.Fully exposed to all practical aspects of project and development and maintenance .Expert in Software Development Life Cycles Hands on experience in building Web Based Projects. Domain knowledge on Production, Finance, Banking, Developing and Maintenance Extensive experience in .NET Technologies in developing Web applications using.PHP, NET Framework1.1, 2.0, VB.NET, ASP.NET1.1, 2.0, , C#. NET, Visual Studio. NET2003 and2005.
Excellent Experience in Web Design in HTML, DHTML, XML, Java Script, Ajax, CSS Proficient in implementing the .NET patterns like [login to view URL], Web Services, and Assemblies. Excellent communication and presentation skills. Can work well in a team or independently.
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