I have good experience in the following areas:
• Product focused and deeply passionate about solving interesting problems.
• Solid understanding of Software Development Life Cycle models, practices, and processes.
• Strong planning and organizational skills with an ability to manage competing demands.
• Ability to take initiative and apply critical thinking techniques to analyse problems, develop solutions or manage risk.
• prepare and progress reports.
• Project management, estimation, monitoring & closure.
• APIs and web services
• Implementing great user experiences.
• Managing server side.
• Designing database schema.
• Building sophisticated distributed systems using Spring REST/SOA.
• Using Amazon Web Service(AWS) for Deploying, Storing Data, RDS.
• Have knowledge of different phases involved in Development and Testing.
• Proficient in debugging and error handling of new applications and legacy systems.
• Proficiency in developing secure web applications and server side development using Angular, Struts, Spring MVC, JSP, Servlets, Java Beans, JavaScript, Ajax, XML, CSS, HTML, JDBC, My SQL, Maven.
• Expertise in developing distributed applications using J2EE Application Servers such as IBM WebSphere and web servers like Apache Tomcat.
• Skillful at developing multiple interfaces by reuse of modules using MVC architecture.
• Use of Log4J for effective logging. Used other tools like JIRA, Eclipse, Putty, WinSCP, etc.
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