The expert of PHP, HTML, JavaScript and AJAX, CSS, and SQL who also loves the desktop development su
$8 USD / giờ
Indonesia (5:11 SA)
Đã tham gia vào tháng 5 1, 2006
$8 USD / giờ
I am reliable, problem solving with passion and proactive individual with extensive experience in the variety of multi-talent within the IT. Keen for maintaining a hardworking attitude and competitive spirit even when under pressure. I also have been awarded in order for giving added value to the company.
I believe my strong technical and non-technical background will make me a very competitive candidate. The key strengths that I possess for success include:
• I have experience over 12 years in IT field.
• I have experience over the last 9 years on Hospitality.
• I am able to develop software based on the function needed.
• I am discipline person, professional and have high loyalties to the company.
• I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers.