Cộng đồng các chuyên gia

Đặt câu hỏi và học hỏi từ các chuyên gia freelancer

2 Câu trả lời

đã trả lời 3 tháng trước
Thuê tôi

I know that freelancers like you only want what's best to finish the project. In such cases, you may inform the client that offsite communication is not allowed. But if it is the only way to finish the project, you may instead contact us to request.

this is a reply from freelancer.com support team member on a case where client provided TeamViewer and asked me to join, I did and got the penalty without even knowing for first time, to communicate offsite, so keep everything in freelancer.com strictly and if you are forced to go outside, just contact freelancer.com support first and do according to their guidance to avoid penalty and account interruption up to permanent closure.

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