Clone website [login to view URL]
$250-750 USD
Thanh toán khi bàn giao
Chúng tôi muốn tạo trang web chức năng và giao diện giống [login to view URL]
ID dự án: #7280494
Về dự án
17 freelancer chào giá trung bình$430 cho công việc này
Hi , I have gone through your requirements and let me know who will provide images of expressions? you also want mobile application for same site? Website will contain strong admin panel with Basic SEO tool integr Thêm
i ve read your requirements, don't worry we are very professional and your work will be done very professionally, you will be getting all the securities. if you have any doubt then just have a look at my portfolio. Thêm
Just give me the job and get it done!!! I'm a very experienced developer. Enjoy life while I'm doing the work for you ^_^ PS: Minh co the lam project nay de dang` :)
Tớ người việt nam nè ................................................................................................................................................ 0963988388
sir/mam, i am an experienced web developer. i was working in a software house but now i join freelancer just give me one chance i will make bitter website then others. i will complete the task in your given time. Thêm
Vì nó quá đơn giản, không tốn nhiều thời gian, công sức. Có thể làm trong 1 ngày nhưng để 3 ngày cho thoải mái