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Cách thuê freelancer Internet Security Expert giỏi
Internet security is a branch of computer science that is focused on the Internet, in particular, browser security and network security on operating systems.
Internet security measures are focused on establishing rules and measures to protect computer systems from attacks via the Internet. Business and individuals engage internet security measures to protect their computer systems from fraud and data theft.
Cyber security is essential in today’s online world and business and individuals should be well aware of the risks of cybercrime and fraud online.
There is a range of Internet security threats which may include:
Malware - this is malicious software that is created to disrupt the operation of a computer in a negative manner. The software collects sensitive information and gains access to private areas of a computer system with the intent to cause harm to the system or the individual/business.
Computer viruses - these are files that are designed to infect other systems or files purposely and steal data.
Computer worms - these programs replicate themselves on a computer system and perform malicious tasks that are detrimental to the computer system.
Ransomware - this type of software infects the systems and demands a ransom paid to the creator for the virus to be removed.
Scareware - a software that is sold to individuals via unethical marketing practices, this software usually has little to no benefit to the consumer.
Spyware - one of the most sinister programs, this program infects the computer system and gathers personal information without the user’s consent.
Phishing - this is a process whereby the attacker pretends to be trustworthy and can be via an email or website.
Ways to counteract Internet security issues are outlined below:
SSL layer - this secure sockets layer adds a secure protection and is encrypted and can be used for websites, emails and as a network security layer.
Security token - providing a code which constantly changes is one way to counteract security issues on a website.
Antivirus security software - these software programs protect the computer system and constantly update and are aware of any new Internet security threats.
Firewalls - this protects networks and screen traffic and can block anything that appears dangerous from entering an individual’s or business's network.
If you’re looking to engage an Internet security expert to ensure you engage someone who is certified and has a range of experience and references. Platforms such as offer a wide range of security experts who are available to work on Internet security projects of all sizes.
If you are looking to install an internet security program, firewall or get the latest information on security issues your business should be aware of, consider engaging the professional services of an internet security expert from
Log onto and view the extensive range of Internet experts ready to work on your project today.